One phone call can change life in an instant. One phone call can challenge our faith. A phone call yesterday challenged mine.
On my desk sits a jar of mustard seeds. Why? Because I have always loved the verse from Matthew 17:20 which says, “If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain ‘move from here to there’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.”
I want to keep a reminder of just how tiny a mustard seed is. Because just that much faith in God’s plan for me will help me move mountains. I need a reminder that with faith, nothing will be impossible.
I don’t need to move a mountain. But, I need help to get through each and every day, and I couldn’t do it without faith in God’s plan for me.
God doesn’t cause the pain in our lives. But, He uses it. I don’t always know how. I don’t always know why. When my faith is challenged, I find myself starting to doubt, question, and ask God “Why?”
“If you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain ‘move from here to there’ and it will move, and nothing will be impossible for you.” Matthew 17:20
Sometimes it’s hard to accept that the answer to a prayer was “no,” and still have faith to pray again. What’s the point in asking if it didn’t make a difference.
I feel tempted to doubt, perhaps my faith wasn’t as big as a mustard seed after all.
Having faith means knowing that sometimes the answer might be “no,” and yet still having faith in the plan God has for us. That’s having faith.
I will pray again. I will listen hard for the answer. I may not hear the answer or it may not be the answer I want. But, I will pray again. I remember to focus on what I can control because that’s all I can do. That’s what resilient people do – focus on what they can control. And, rather than focus on the things in life that I can’t control, I look at my jar of mustard seeds and remember to have faith.