“Not all readers are leaders, but all leaders are readers.” ~Harry S. Truman
I posted a Facebook status with a picture of a book I just finished reading for the second time. “Man’s Search For Meaning” by Viktor Frankl is the 50th book I have read this year and marks the accomplishment of the goal I set out to read 50 non-fiction books. I set the goal in January to stay in alignment with my large goal of developing my mind.
My Facebook post received so many comments and inquiries about my goal for next year and what books I read, that I decided to share! I have included my list from 2015 and I’ve also included the list of books I have already planned to read for 2016. (If you are wondering, yellow designates an already purchased book, while red means I want to read it but don’t have it yet) While I love reading on my e-reader, and use it almost daily, I generally prefer a physical book for those books I am learning from so I can highlight, fold pages down, come back to certain passages, and share the book with someone else easily. Yes, I know you can highlight e-books, or share them, but call me old fashioned when it comes to learning from books. I also prefer to purchase rather than borrow those really good books for those same reasons. I spent more money on books this year than I did on buying clothes, if that tells you anything about how tremendously I value learning and reading.
Why do I read? To learn. Reading opens a door to learn about something and someone. Done correctly, reading is an invaluable tool that expands the mind, develops critical thinking skills and increases knowledge. Why wouldn’t I read! What you read is important so choose carefully and be intentional about why you read what you read. There are some books on this list that I would highly recommend, while others were a disappointment or not what I expected. Allow me to say, if I begin reading something and decide it’s not worth my time, I remove it from the list.
So here you are….click the link to download or view Ria’s Reading List 2015 and 2016
My list is just a few short titles short of the 50 I want to read next year. No doubt I will add some along the way so please feel free to comment with good, high-quality, non-fiction books you would recommend, along with why it was impactful for you!